domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

Yugioh! SD-15 undead world

Saturday, 14. June 2008
Yu-Gi-Oh! SD 15 - Undead World

Content:- 40 cards (5 new cards(1 Ultra Rare, 2 Super Rare))- Playing Guide- Duel Field- Rulebook
Structure Deck 15 - Commercial
//Note that the decklist isn't 100% confirmed as of now//Thanks for the list to nicknph
Red-Eyes Undead Dragon [Ultra Rare]DARK/Undead - Effect/7/2400/2000

This card can be Advanced Summoned in face-up Attack Position by Releasing 1 Undead-Type monster. When this card destroys an Undead-Type monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon that monster to your field.

SD15-JP002 Darkness Gear - Gokuen [Super Rare]LIGHT/Undead - Effect/6/2400/1400

This card can be Normal Summoned without Release. If you do so, and there is no other Undead-Type monster on the field during the End-Phase, this card is sent to the Graveyard. When sent to the Graveyard by this effect, you take damage equal to this card's ATK.
Black Knight of Dark Dragon [Super Rare]LIGHT/Undead - Effect/4/1900/1200

Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or less Undead-Type monster in your opponent's Graveyard that was destroyed by battle to your side of the field.「ゲルニア」SD15-JP004 Gernia 「デス・ラクーダ」
SD15-JP005 Death Lacooda「カース・オブ・ヴァンパイア」
SD15-JP006 Curse of Vampire「ブラッド・サッカー」
SD15-JP007 Blood Sucker「ヴァンパイア・ベビー」
SD15-JP008 Red-Moon Baby「ノーブル・ド・ノワール」
SD15-JP009 Patrician of Darkness
SD15-JP010 Pyramid Turtle 「龍骨鬼」
SD15-JP011 Ryu Kokki「再生ミイラ」
SD15-JP012 Regenerating Mummy「リボーン・ゾンビ」
SD15-JP013 Reborn Zombie「傀儡虫」
SD15-JP014 Puppet Insect「ゾンビ・マスター」
SD15-JP015 Zombie Masterx2

SSD15-JP016 Undead World Field Magic

While this card is face-up on the field, all monster on the field and in the Graveyard are treated as Undead-Type. Also, while this card is face-up on the field monster cannot be Advanced Summoned, except Undead-Type monster.

SD15-JP017 Magical Stone Excavation「魔法効果の矢」
SD15-JP018 Magical Effect Arrow「ソウルテイカー」
SD15-JP019 Soul Taker「威圧する魔眼 」
SD15-JP020 Overpowering Eyes「大寒波」
SD15-JP021 Cold Wave「生還の宝札」
SD15-JP022 Card of Safe Return「強制転移」
SD15-JP023 Creature Swap「生者の書-禁断の呪術-」
SD15-JP024 Book of Life「ミイラの呼び声」
SD15-JP025 Call of the Mummy「タイムカプセル」
SD15-JP026 Different Dimension Capsule「貪欲な壷」
SD15-JP027 Pot of Avarice「手札抹殺」
SD15-JP028 CardDestruction

「フィールドバリア」SD15-JP029 Field Barrier「王宮の鉄壁」
SD15-JP030 Royal Impregnable Fortress Continuous Trap
While this card is face-up on the field, card(s) cannot be removed from play.「生贄封じの仮面」
SD15-JP031 Mask of Restrict「奈落の落とし穴」
SD15-JP032 Bottomless Trap Hole「ツタン仮面」
SD15-JP033 Tutan Mask「亜空間物質転送装置」
SD15-JP034 Interdimensional Matter Transporter「邪悪なるバリア -ダーク・フォース-」
SD15-JP035 Dark Mirror Force「和睦の使者」
SD15-JP036 Waboku「マジックアーム・シールド」
SD15-JP037 Magical Arm Shield

lukas me pidio k averiguara algo sobre este eso estamos! xD
no esta cnfirmado 100 por 100, pero en principio esto es lo k llegara en japon

por supuesto decir k ningun soñador se piense k la magical stone o la magical arrow o el soul taker lleguen...

el caballero ese de 1900 promete...
se volvera el metajuego de undead?

solo keda esperar...

saludos!espero k os aya gustado!

1 comentario:

Saggidarkclown dijo...

perdon por el pekeño desorden...xDDD